About The Australian Hunters Club
The Australian Hunters Club isn’t your typical club. We don’t look like other clubs and we don’t function like other clubs.
Historically, clubs have been constrained by physical locations, committees, and hierarchical structures, which often slow down the pace of change. Our approach is different.
Decentralized and self-driven.
The strength of the Australian Hunters Club lies in its decentralized and community-empowering model. Unlike the conventional “power over” model where a select few dictate services, we embrace a “power within” philosophy, empowering our community to support each other.
One of our key features is a suite of tools and resources. Members can host their own casual events and hunts, share recipes, document their adventures, and connect with fellow members through our database. Seeking a mentor? No need to wait months for a committee response or attend dull annual meetings; simply reach out via email. This model empowers you to take control of your engagement with the club and tailor it to your needs.
Delivering more value
Another way we stand out is our commitment to providing exceptional value beyond the typical club offerings. We’ve cultivated partnerships with guided hunt providers and retailers, enabling us to offer monthly giveaways of professional hunting experiences and products, along with exclusive discounts from over 50 hunting brands.
So, what does this mean for potential members? It means your experience with our club is what you make of it. Those who derive the most value are active participants. Whether you seek camaraderie among fellow hunters or simply aim to access practical benefits such as firearm licensing assistance, giveaways, and discounts, the choice is yours.
Ultimately, the Australian Hunters Club offers a fresh approach to club membership, empowering you to engage on your terms and reap meaningful benefits from the community and resources we provide.
A word from our club president
Our hunting club exists for one single purpose. To connect Aussie hunters all across Australia into real, authentic, genuine community.
Life is about building relationships with people, and growing in yourself. Your abilities, your attitude and your values. For us it’s important that as hunters we are always learning, always growing and helping others do the same. This means we value mentorship, friendship and welcome hunters from all walks of life, creeds and skill levels.
It doesn’t matter what game you like to hunt, how you like to hunt it or how long you’ve been hunting. We warmly welcome everyone.

Why would you join?

Hunting access for everyone!
One of the ways we support and connect hunters across the country is through our 'host a hunt' program. Through this program members plan hunts that are advertised via the site which other members can find and attend, for free.

We love supporting our local Australian hunting businesses and services and they love supporting us. Through the club members get discounts on hunting products from leading brands, guided hunts & courses listed on HuntingTrips.com.au.

Meeting together to connect is important, and not just over AGMs and official meetings. As a club we prioritise social gatherings around the country form BBQs, dinners and camps so members can connect.

Free premium hunting experainces
Bi monthly we give away a premium guided hunt. This is a great way to have a once in a lifetime experience you might not have otherwise had. Hunts are also transferrable.
The club is a company.
Why this is important & how it benefits members.
Unlike more traditional hunting clubs which are run by volunteers (an incorporated association), the Australian Hunters Club is set up as a privately owned company. This structure allows the club to do things that other volunteer clubs simply can’t or won’t do for their members.
No infighting over positions.
For instance, a lot of traditional hunting clubs that operate under a volunteer model suffer from infighting and ladder climbing as members fight over senior positions of influence within the club, always looking to get deeper and deeper into the hierarchy (being the president, becoming the treasure, sitting on the board, part on a specific committee). This not only causes division within clubs and turns members again members but also makes them inward focused as members scrambling over power in an effort to push their agenda and get the best benefits, like private land hunting access.
When a club is a privately owned company there is no ladder, there is no inner click, there is no power to grasp. Everyone is on the same level, everyone is equal. Members gain value from the club not from some appointment, but because they pay for it. It’s part of their membership fee.
No fighting over resources.
Another pitfall a privately owned club avoids is the issue of a shared purse. Money often turns clubs sour as people fight over what it should be spent on. With a private club additional activities or benefits that site outside the scope of the standard member offering are resourced as required so that everyone benefits.
Benefits you are entitled to, not that you have to earn.
Often in large clubs run by volunteers to get the most out of their membership members are pressured to attend working bees, chair meetings, run BBQ’s or any other number of things. Often a member will do these things not because they want to, not from a spirit of generosity, but rather because they want the benefits appointed to those who carry out these jobs. There is always value in contributing, it’s something we should all aspire to do, But this shouldn’t be the only way that members gain value or benefits. A member within a private company gives their time, effort and energy not because they want to get anything out of it, but because they want to contribute, that’s the true benefit and gift of being a member of a community.
Structured to get stuff done.
Charles Kettering once said “If you want to kill any idea in the world, get a committee working on it.” While this is an extreme statement there is a measure of truth here. How many times will a volunteer group get together to plan something. Yet after multiple meetings and hours of time wasted in disagreements over execution or decisions pertaining to who will take responsibility for what, nothing happens. Yet put a group of people together who are motivated and financially incentivised to make something happen and it comes out great. This is another area where privately owned clubs have an advantage over the incorporated association.
Motivated and incentivised strong and healthy leadership.
Finally, a club is only every as good as it’s leadership. When leadership is strong positive culture thrives, members feel valued and things get done. When leadership is poor the club suffers, infighting erupts and members start becoming jaded. Why leave this to chance, as club presidents, board members and treasures are rotated every couple years as is the case with volunteer led clubs? Wouldn’t it make more sense for a single or group of people who are directly finically benefits from the success of the club to be leading the group? If the club is doing well and members are happy it will naturally grow. Growth means and increase in revenue which in turn incentivises the leaders to work harder. Money should never be the major motivator in growing a club, but it’s foolish to ignore that it plays a important role Furthermore, why shouldn’t we compensate our clubs leaders for the hard work they do in creating positive culture within in community?
All of this is said not to communicate that privately manged clubs are better then incorporated association clubs, they are not. Both structures have their pros and cons. At the end of the day it comes down to what you want in a club, what structure you think benefits you the most, and what structure be believe you can benefit.
Honestly, integrity, community and passion. We are Australian Hunters and we are proud.
Hunting as a lifestyle and hobby can be quite isolating. It can be difficult to build and gain knowledge and if you don’t have other friends that are hunters how are you expected to learn and grow? Isolated hunters can spend years and years trying to find productive hunting locations, covering country and checking out every square inch of the bush waiting for game to pop up and walk away with nothing. Its easy become disgruntled, frustrated and give-up.
As a club we feel a responsibility and duty to help new hunters learn and grow, and connect established hunters into community. If we don’t help shape and form the next generation of Australian hunters with positive hunting ethics and attitudes who will? Every hunters in Australia, whether a member of our club or not represents the lifestyle we treasure and so we work hard and ensuring that our actions speak boldly.
If you are someone who loves hunting, is just getting into the sport/lifestyle or is looking to connect with a positive, optimistic and flourishing community you should join our hunting club.
Basic membership*
Hunting resources
5% discount on club merch
Premium membership*
Hunting resources
10% discount on club merch
Hunting workshops & event discounts
Platinum membership*
Hunting resources
15% discount on club merch
Hunting workshops & event discounts
*Our club is a company, not an incorporated association. Learn why this is important and how it benefits members here.
**Members can use their membership with The Australia Hunters Club to gain access to NSW genuine reason and public liability insurance via the R-Licence. Monthly members unlock access to this benefit 92 days after signing up. Annual members gain immediate access. Learn more here.