At the Australian Hunters Club, we firmly believe that hunting is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. It is not merely an activity we engage in, but a fundamental aspect of how we choose to live our lives. Like many endeavors in life, the true richness of the hunting experience is best realized through active participation in a supportive community. Therefore, I would like to encourage you not only to benefit from the club but also to consider giving back.

Regardless of whether you are a novice who has never fired a rifle or released an arrow, or a seasoned hunter with decades of experience, each member has something valuable to contribute to our community.

Those who derive the greatest satisfaction from our club are the individuals who actively contribute, provide encouragement, and help foster community. If you wish to connect with others or assist them in connecting, I want to encourage you to consider hosting a casual event or even organizing a hunt. These opportunities provide the best means to meet fellow local members and forge lasting friendships. Your event doesn’t have to be extravagant, and you don’t need to have all the specifics figured out. Simply initiate something and let it evolve naturally. We are here to support you in organizing and promoting the event or hunt.

Now that you are a member, you are part of a collective accountable to and supported by hundreds of like-minded individuals across our beautiful country, all dedicated to the same cause.

Wear your club patch with pride, representing our club with dignity. Maintain a positive attitude, and always strive to think the best of your fellow hunters. Embrace ethical hunting practices, ensuring the sustainability and well-being of our natural resources. Commit to personal growth, and together, let us champion the noble pursuit of hunting in Australia.

Chris Waters
Club President

Join the adventure. Join our club

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© Australia Hunters Club 2025

Approved Hunting Organisation (NSW) 13815

Proudly supporting Hunting Trips Australia