January 2024 Club Newsletter
Table of Contents
2024 Club camp details announced
A few months ago we announced the 2024 official club annual camp date and details, it’s going to be HUGE!!!
We are incredibly lucky to be able to host our 2024 club annual camp in June on Queensland’s Premier hunting safari property, Nyora!
Nyora is one of the biggest and best safari hunting properties in Australia home to thousands of free-range deer, and MONSTER stags/bucks (red, fallow, rusa and chital), goats, pigs, camels, donkeys, buffalo and texas longhorn all wandering the property.
During the camp you’ll have plenty of opportunities to see these animals in a free-range environment as well as enjoy some time hanging out and socializing with other club members.
Dodge will be back with his trivia night, HavaGo will be hosting a shooting competition, there will be buggy tours of the property and even a meat goat hunt raffled off and run during the camp! The winner of the hunt will also get off easy as we will be running a goat butchering workshop too!
And if that wasn’t enough, the week following the camp has been completely booked out exclusively for club members who want to stay on the property and book a guided hunt at a discounted rate.
Learn more and RSVP your spot at the camp and any friends you want to bring along via the page linked below.
Learn more (like the exact dates and location), express your interest in the guided hunts or RSVP via the link below.
Victoria’s Christmas Breakup Recap
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Victorian Christmas Breakup BBQ the other week. It was fantastic to see so many members attend, especially given it bucked down with rain!
Special thanks are due to Jason, Pommy and Spencer for bringing extra marques. They were a lifesaver!
Don’t forget if you’re keen to meet other members you can host your own event in your local area. An event can be as simple as a catch-up at your local cafe or pub, or you could host your own BBQ.
You can learn more about hosting your own event here, or create an event via the link below https://australianhunters.com.au/members-dashboard/host-an-event-create/
NSW SF HUNT - Want to attend?
Member Kyal is in the midst of organizing a hunt at Nundle around the 10th of January (TBC) and wanted to open it up for anyone in the club to attend.
This will be a hard hunt. They will be setting spike camps on the northside of Nundle and maybe Tuggalo. They will be camping out of packs and covering large distances without resupply and as such id suggest a high level of fitness as a prerequisite.
If this sounds like your flavor, please message Kyal via the contact form on the hunt listing linked below.

Patches still available.
We accidentally over-ordered on patches (eeek!). So now we have both 2023 (30% off) and 2024 patches available for any club members who missed out on them during the pre-orders.
If you’re collecting them now’s a good chance to buy them before they are gone.
Patches are available for purchase via the club’s website linked below.
Only while stocks last.

7 day Wild Boar and Barra fishing hunt discount.
Every wanted to hunt Australia’s biggest boars and fish the big barra up north on the Cape? Well, today’s your lucky day! Well thanks to Lawson from Up North Adventures, (who is also a member of the club), you now can. Members of the club get a discount on this epic 7 day hunting and fishing adventure.
You can learn more about the hunt or make an inquiry via the link below.
Greg’s first deer with a bow
This month member Greg put up his first harvest report with this beauty. It was his first deer with a bow, a cull from a velvet farmer. Greg has since got two Red deer with a bow on public land. How good is that!
You can learn more about Greg’s experience via the harvest report here https://australianhunters.com.au/game_trophy_record/first-deer-with-a-bow/

2024 Hunting Experience Giveaways announced.
Thanks to our awesome partners we are giving away 20 unique hunting experiences including guided hunts, meat hunts, trophy hunts and hunting courses all over the country in 2024.
Good news is, that if you are a Platinum member of the club.
you are automatically entered into the monthly draws. If you’re not a Platinum member but want to go in the draws you can upgrade your membership here https://australianhunters.com.au/how-to-upgrade-your-membership/

Featured member discounts

Custom Hunting Leather Goods
Established in Australia 2017 by a keen hunter and fisherman, Tassie Tiger Knives produce that kind of knife that will get handed down through generations, its not made to be sat on the shelf and be looked at, but made to be a daily workhorse by your side day in day out! They know what to expect out of their own gear and they hold these high expectations up against their own standards. They ensure the finished product not only looks and feels great, but also performs. Aussie made knives.
To see the discount head over to the discount page.

NSW Course and Guided Hunts
Accurate Hunts is a family-owned hunting course provider and hunting consultancy firm based in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. It all started when Dodge (who is also a member) had been traveling around hunting and guiding for several years and was getting asked by clients to organise a trip for them back into Australia. From there, they have grown into what they are today, a one stop shop for hunting trips domestically and internationally and a base for our education courses in New South Wales.
To learn more head over to the discount page,
January Product Giveaways
Product Giveaway
Congrats to Ben M on winning last month’s product giveaway.
This month we are giving away the following sweet prize pack:
Wild Deer Magazine 12 month subscription
Blackfoot Designs beanie, bolt bag, vinyl stick
Wild Game Hunter – neck gaiter
Deer Reed Whistle – Native – Wild Game Hunter
Hunting in our Genes (Steve Isaacs) hardback book
Maxtoch E3 Headlamp (AlphaGear Solutions)
High Country Hunting Gear hoodie, tee shirt, stubby, sticker
Fozzils lightweight camping plates solo set
All Premium and Platinum members will automatically go into the draw to win this product pack. The winners will be announced on the first week-day of next month via the members news page as well as our Instagram account, Facebook group and official Facebook page (so make sure you like and follow them). The winners will also be sent a confirmation email.
If you would like to upgrade to a Premium or Platinum membership so you go in the draw to win these prize packs you can click on the link below to learn more.
January Hunt Giveaway
Hunting Experience Giveaway
Congrats to Damien C on winning last month’s hunting course with The Wildfood meister.
Up for grabs, this month is guided fallow deer meat hunt with Hunting Tasmania.
The winner will by lead by professional hunting guide Tom on a guided fallow deer meat hunt in Tasmania on a beautiful 2000 acre private estate teeming with game.
No where else in Tasmania can you have an experience like this with an amazing hunt, on a beautiful lush property, with a guarantee on getting an animal in the freezer.
Don’t forget all Platinum members will automatically go into the draw to win this experience and the winner will be announced on the first week-day of next month via the member’s news page as well as our Instagram account, Facebook group and official Facebook page (so make sure you like and follow them). The winners will also be sent a confirmation email.
If you would like to upgrade to a Platinum membership you can click on the link below to learn more.