Australian Hunters Collective
Club Ambassadors
As a club, we believe in honoring those individuals in our community who are making a positive difference in Australian hunting culture. It’s one thing to act ethically in one’s own personal hunting experiences, and another again to attempt to push the culture forward, to put oneself out there and make a positive change.
The Australian Hunters Collective is a group of such individuals, members of our community who embody our values and represent our interests. Each of the individuals listed below are Ambassadors of our club, together they make up The Australian Hunters Collective.
Below you can find information about each ambassador and links to their socials. You can also catch up on their adventures via the Australian Hunters Collective YouTube channel.
Cam is a passionate Australian outdoorsman with a love of bowhunting, fishing, crabbing, hiking, guns, spears, camping, survival and self-sufficiency. His personal philosophy is that life is short and for living!

Aaron is a bow and rifle hunter, fisherman and spearfisherman based in South Australia who loves to travel and take his family on adventures. Deer, goats, buffalo, pigs, scrub bulls, fish, crabs & crays, Aaron has a rich food philosophy.
Chris is prolific Australian hunter and hunting communicator. Host of The Huntsman TV production and YouTube channel, creator of and president of The Australian Hunters Club.