Each year we host a BIG annual camp as a club that all members are invited too. Last year the camp was located in Victoria, this year we are going to run it in NSW. We are currently in the process of finding a suitable location in a state forest that can house us so we don’t have an exact location yet, but we do have a date.

Please block out Oct 15th (evening), 16th and 17th (morning) in your calendar.

Given we will be camping in state forest you will need to bring the following:

  • Food for 3 days
  • Water
  • Tent/soft top on car
  • Clothes
  • Hunting gear (if you want to hunt)

Last year given it was the first time we’d hosted the camp the schedule was pretty casual. This year we might add a bit of structure, maybe get a guest speaker for the first night. First and foremost the camp is about connecting, so there will be a lot of downtime to just hangout by the fire.

You can RSVP below.

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© Australia Hunters Club 2025

Approved Hunting Organisation (NSW) 13815

Proudly supporting Hunting Trips Australia